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One UNHCR family tent shelter

One UNHCR family tent shelter

You can give a family of five who has fled their home a temporary new one, when they arrive at a refugee camp.

For refugee families who’ve been forced to flee their homes, lack of access to safe and warm shelter is a genuine risk, as many are forced to live in shelter not equipped to be waterproof or weatherproof.

A UNCHR Family Tent is built to be weatherproof in both hot and cold, and will last for a year, with room for five to sleep and to live.


For $480 you can give a family of refugees the temporary refuge of a home in a family tent.

Family of Ethiopian refugees smiling. UNHCR tent in the background. Ethiopian refugees Tsiruy Dagnew, 40, Abeba Kalayu, 32, with their children Semere, 5, and Eleni, 3, enjoy the sun near their tent at Tunaydbah camp in Sudan. Many of its refugees have found innovative and resourceful ways to begin rebuilding their lives.