Pay for tarpaulin sheets to waterproof three family’s shelters
Buy life-saving emergency nutrition sachets for children suffering from severe acute malnutrition
Buy seven people a life-saving mosquito net
You can build an emergency shelter for a refugee family in need
Buy a child vital classroom supplies.
Give the power of play to many
Dramatically improve the chances of survival for a father and their baby.
Provide a family with safe cooking and drinking water
You can provide an emergency shelter for a refugee family in need
Fund therapeutic milk for 20 babies and toddlers
Pay for a delivery kit that ensures the safety of 10 babies and their mothers during birth
Give back basic supplies to a family who’ve fled their home
Pay for a family to be able to switch on the lights
Give refugee children a better chance of survival
Dramatically improve a mother and baby’s chances of survival
You can save lives by keeping water clean and safe